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Communication Arts Technology Program

The Communication Arts Technology Program at Jefferson Community & Technical College offers an Associate in Applied Science degree with three related tracks: Advertising Design, Commercial Photography, and Webpage Design, as well as certificates in Digital Media and Digital Video. Students are taught basic skills in the first two semesters, giving the student a strong foundation. These skills and more are enhanced in advanced courses in the next two semesters until the student’s abilities reach a professional level. Finally, students present a final professional portfolio of their most outstanding work to be judged by professionals in their chosen major field of study. 

Student show poster
Illustration by CATP student, Petrus Steyn.

The Communication Arts Technology Program invites you to
The Show
presented by

Krantz Logo

The CATP student show is live and ready for you to visit. Hurry up and see what our students are capable of in the Krantz Art Gallery! Our show is open now until September 13th, 2024.

Congratulations to This Year’s Recipient of the CAT Outstanding Achievement Award

Cally Hazzard is this year’s recipient of the coveted award for Outstanding Achievement in the Communication Arts Technology Program. Cally was the unanimous choice of the CATP faculty and was chosen among several worthy candidates.

In December, Cally completed her AAS degree in Communication Arts Technology with High Distinction. Her work has stood out as some of the best this program’s students have ever produced. Cally is one of the hardest-working students we’ve ever had the pleasure to teach. She goes all in on every project that comes her way and always does more than expected.

Cally says of our program, “The CAT program has reminded me of my roots—to once again value the joy of creating and of the wealth of inner resilience that we all possess. This experience truly changed my life, and I will carry it and the years of inspiration with me for as long as I live.”

Congratulations Cally. Very well done.

Christina Skipworth Selected to KCTCS All-Academic Team

CAT Student Christina Skipworth has been selected as the Occupational/Technical Program of Study Honoree for the KCTCS All-Academic Team. She will represent Jefferson Community & Technical College as the college’s representative this year.

Christina is a top-performing student in the Communication Arts Technology Program with a near-perfect GPA. She is working toward her AAS degree in two separate tracks in the program: Advertising Design and Webpage Design. Her talent is evident in everything she does, showcasing a natural ability that sets her apart.

Each year, the KCTCS All-Academic Team honors two students from each college – one student representing the AFA-AA-AS degree/transfer programs and the other student representing the occupational/technical programs of study.

Congratulations Christina. Well done.

Our students won 11 awards at the American Advertising Awards Gala on February 29th, 2024!

Two of our students won 3 ADDY Awards at the District 5 – American Advertising Awards Competition.

Check out our promo created by CAT Students Teresa Argote and Dang Nguyen.

Student Work